Datos personales

lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2018

My favorite food

Hello everyone, today i´m going to talk about food!
i love food, actually my failed dream was to be a pastry chef but for a lot of reason i never really do it.
I like a lot of food but i prefer desserts, i specially love the meringue raspberry cake with a lot of whipped cream on it, it´s a perfect dessert for summer because it´s frozen and it´s not so sweet thanks to the raspberry .
The last time i ate it it was like 6-7 months ago in my cousin´s birthday and it was amazing, it was from a cake shop and you can tell the difference between that cake and other from a supermarket, it was so delicious that i ate 3 slices!
cake GIF
Although i love that cake i don´t eat it very often because i´m very picky about its flavour and also    it´s very expensive so i prefer doing it at home than buy it in a supermarket.
This cake it´s really simple to make at home, you just need whipped cream, raspberries and meringue discs and you just mixed together and to the freezer.
i have never taste a cake in a restaurant, usually i ate to much dinner and then i feel to full to eat dessert so i could not know if it is tastier there but someday i will go and just eat dessert!

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lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2018

Postgraduate studies

Well hello there, today i´m going to talk about postgraduate studies but the thing is that i don´t want to take a postgraduate study. I just want to finish my career and start working in it as soon as possible, i´m just in second year but i feel really tired studying and doing stuff for wanting more of that stress. but in the hypothetical case that i might do a postgraduate study it will be just because i like the research and investigation area and they often demand a PhD.

If a take a PhD. i will prefer doing it in another country cause it might be shorter in duration than taking  it in Chile, also it will bring me experiences of other cultures. Also it could be part time so i will get the chance to know the country better and to work while i study in a more relaxed way that it could be having a full time course.
Right now i find interesting the research that scientist do to different diseases and how they find the cure or the way to fight them. So i could study a subject about chronic diseases or bacterias or things related to that.
But i don´t think i will do it, it makes a lot of dedication and perseverance to do a postgraduate study. I´m already struggling with the career to believe that a PhD will be pleasant for me.
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lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2018

My future Job :C

Hello there, so today i´m supposed to talk about the kind of job i would like to have but actually i don´t have any idea about it.
When i was younger, like 5 or 6 years ago i dreamed about being a pastry chef but then my family crushed my dreams so i started to look other areas that i could be interested to study and i found my career.
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Although i can see myself working like a pharmacist i´m not sure of the area  that i should choose, right now i think that i could work in labs or in a hospital but other days i could see myself in a investigation area making new drugs and things like that.
I would like having an indoor job, my dad works outdoor and i think that it is exhausting and also i would love to travel in my job but not too often because i want to have a family when i get older but a few times in a year had the chance to travel to other countries it would be amazing.
Other thing important to me it´s the salary, it is not that if the offer me a great salary i will work in an area that i hate but if i get the chances of choosing jobs that i want i will choose the one with better salary but i will think in a 1-1.2 millions.
In  this moment i´m not studying a major, but when i finish my career i will think if i want (or need) a PhD.  
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lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2018

Things i hate of my university.... and things i like

Hello everybody! Today i´m going to talk about the things that i like and dislike about my university.
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First of all i hate not having a diner, we always have to go another places to eat and that is a waste of time and money because you have to eat and run to not being late for classes.

                                                              Also i dislike the way schedules are managed in this 
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Always at the beginning of the semester it is a chaos, there are a lot of classes you can´t take because there are other classes at the same time and you end up with an awful schedule or you have to delay taking some classes and it becomes impossible to end the career "on time".

frustrated over it GIF by bubly
But not everything is so bad. This university also have good things a really like.
I live near so i don´t spend hours to come here, we have a lot of subject in labs and that is really fun and i love my career so it is a plus.
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I think that everything would be better if the university become more organised and fix the schedule issue by making the subjects on different times so we can decide which one is best for us. 
And also if they put a diner in the university but i think that the new building they made has a cafeteria in the first floor (it is not a diner but it at least it´s something).